Planning a Surprise Party for Someone – Great Idea or Big Mistake?
One of the most exciting parties to plan is the famous, edge of your seat surprise party. Whether it be a bachelorette, birthday, baby or bridal shower, these types of surprise parties generate excitement for everyone. The build-up to a surprise party can be as thrilling as roller coaster ride, but as nerve racking as trip to the dentist. To be successful, we recommend a few tips:
Surprise Party Recipient:
- Does the person enjoy surprises and likes to be the center of attention (on occasion)?
- Does the person travel frequently or on short notice?
- Can a family member, spouse or close friend keep tabs on the person’s schedule?
- Does the person have young children and would require a babysitter the day of the party?
- Is the person a social media snooper and can search for online chatter about the party?
- Do you (the person planning the event) have the time, resources and patience to plan this party?

Surprise Party Decision:
If you are on the fence or answered NO to several of these surprise party knock-out questions, then consider telling the person about the party date and time. Let the person know you want to plan a party for their special occasion.
Surprise Party Next Steps:
Incorporate surprise elements into the party instead of making the entire party a surprise. For example, surprise the person with a special cake design or unique favor box. Create a surprise photo album to display or play list for their special day. This type of gesture can be equally as special for a person who is not the surprise party type or is too hard to pin down because of their schedule.
Always remember to Plan, Shop, and Party Wepah style!
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